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Beautify Your Lawn Space With These 4 Landscaping Ideas

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Manage Your Residential Or Commercial Landscape Without Worry

Boost Your Curb Appeal Today!

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Why we’re the premier choice for landscape services in Wilmington!

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Why hire a professional property maintenance company? Anyone can mow a lawn and blow leaves right? While that may be correct, that is the same as saying that anyone with a phone is a photographer. By hiring a professional property maintenance company, you are receiving trained professionals who have the knowledge, equipment, and materials to make sure you are investing in your property.

With a consistent and frequent property maintenance service, you are investing that money back into your property. You are not only going to have fantastic curb appeal, which is the #1 reason someone does or does not buy your property, it also yields a bare minimum of a 20% return on investment. If banks gave ROI’s that high we would all be millionaires 10x over.

However you decide to maintain your property is up to you! Remember it isn’t always as expensive as it may seem. Our maintenance plans start at only $199/month. We all know people that spend more than that at Starbucks each month.


A paver patio and walkway are a great investment for the value of your home. What deters many people from getting a new paver patio or walkway is the initial cost. Paver walkways can range from $5,000 to $12,000, and paver patios can range from $5,000 to $50,000 depending upon the size, but it has been proven that they increase the value of your home by 20%! Lets say your home is valued at $500,000. If you added a $15,000 paver patio, the value of your home would now be $518,000. That’s an $18,000 increase! And a project like that would only take a week!

According to the property details section on, many of the home descriptions mention a new paver patio or a brand new walkway because they attract homebuyers. Having a brand new patio or walkway, could be the deciding factor in a homebuyers decision.

Make your backyard your new favorite place to be!

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Deer, while very beautiful to look at can ravage your landscape. Deer absolutely love to eat a variety of plants, especially your arborvitaes. Luckily there are a couple of very easy and inexpensive options to help prevent the deer from feasting on your beautiful plants.

The best results we have found is to spray Deer Out which can be purchased right on Amazon. The results using this product have been fantastic in our experience and it is not a harmful chemical to people, animals, or plants. The product acts as an invisible fence that deters the deer from wanting to devour the plants that the product is sprayed on.

Another option would be to add some deer fencing around the plants under attack. While the deer fencing is our first choice due to the aesthetics of it, it does work very well. Deer fencing can be picked up at any local big box hardware store and is super easy to install.


Paver walkways are such a great investment for your home. Unlike those ugly asphalt walkways that just seems to crumple more and more each year, or a concrete walkway that starts cracking after just a couple of short years, paver walkways can and will last as long you want to keep the same pavers.

The best part about paver walkways are that well they are a much more premium look and price than the two other options mentioned, they are much more economically priced than you might think, and the customization of them is endless!

A smaller walkway will normally cost somewhere in the $3,000-$4,000 range, a mid-size walkway can cost around $5,000-$7,000, and a very long walkway will roughly cost you somewhere in the $8,000-$12,000 range. Of course when you add in other variables such as grade, type of paver, steps, the cost will fluctuate with a nice flat walkway being on the lower end and a walkway needing 4 steps will be towards the higher end of the spectrum.

If you have any other questions or would be interested in a pricing promise from us, fill out the contact form or give us a call and we will be able to help you in minutes!


Professional landscape maintenance is something that everyone would love to have and for too long landscapers have answered this question with "well it depends on the yard size" or " I can't give you a price until I see it". Imagine if a restaurant put that on their website or told a potential client that on the phone, crazy! Well it is time for us to level the playing field and start providing people with the answers that they are looking for.

A proper landscape maintenance plan should involve a multitude of services, but we know that isn't for everyone. So right here on our site we list out exactly what you get for the price so that you know before hand what you actually get with each package and the tremendous value included with each!

Our packages are listed and priced are:

Premier (Best)-$299/month starting

Pro (Better)-$249/month starting

Basic (Good)-$199/month starting

For more information on these packages visit our maintenance page or if there are any questions not answered on the site give us a call or send us an email for a same day response.

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Probably less than you would expect. When you take into account the longevity of a product like pavers it decreases the overall cost of a patio significantly overtime, especially for colder climates where the ground is going to move with all of the freeze and thaw cycles. We have installed patios that have a price range from $5,000 for small simple patios all the way up to $50,000 which are far more complex and larger areas.

When compared to a product like concrete, stamped concrete, and asphalt it is really a no brainer which one to use for a patio. Unlike the products listed pavers will not crack overtime which means you will have no repair costs, no unsightly blemishes and most importantly NO CRACKING.

Pavers are so easy to maintain because even though most people hire the company with the "cheapest" price and the job is done incorrectly, they are able to hire a professional and knowledgeable company, like ours, to come in and repair the sinking or separating joints for far less than replacing the entire patio. For a concrete patio that will inevitably crack within 5 years you are talking about some big bucks to replace the entire thing.

Paver patio cost all comes down to the same few factors. Size, design complexity, access, terrain, and most importantly the type of paver chosen as there are such a varying range of pricing for each even within the same manufacturer. If you would like to know how much a patio would cost for you just visit our website and we will be happy to help.


Continuing your lawn care regiment does not stop when the warm weather leaves. It is very important to make sure that each and every step is hit for the entire season to ensure your lawn has everything it needs to make it through the harsh winter and thrive next Spring. By now you should be getting ready to for your final lawn fertilization in the last week of October to first week of November. The best fertilizer to use at this time is a 7-20-8 or a fertilizer with a similar NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash). You want a higher Phosphorus to really help to increase root growth and it can help the roots grow well into December.

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How Often Should I Mow?

Consistent and frequent mowing is one of the most important aspects of growing, maintaining, and keeping a thick healthy lawn.

By mowing frequently, a minimum of once per week ideally, will allow you to abide by the crucial 1/3 rule. The 1/3 rule is that you never want to be mowing more than 1/3 of the height of the grass length. Reason being by is because if you allow too much of the grass blade to be cut off the grass will be over stressed and will not have the lateral growth needed to create the nice thick lawn each of us strive for.

As an added benefit by following this rule you will be able to mulch the grass clippings back into the soil creating a natural recycling process allowing for optimal growth and in return the grass will not need as much water or fertilizer to maintain its healthy state.

I hope this quick breakdown of lawn mowing frequency has helped at least one person learn something new to optimize their grass growth. As always if you have any questions, concerns, or need help with any landscaping maintenance or landscape construction projects please contact us via call, text, email, website, or social media and we will be happy to answer any questions!


Need those rocks gone but don’t want to spend thousands having them hauled away?

To hire a landscaping company or and excavation company to come pick up and haul away those unwanted rocks on your property will be quite costly and most cases thousands of dollars for the labor, equipment, dump fees etc. Here is my advice to anyone in this situation that wants to save a few bucks.

The best way to get rid of larger rocks on your property is to simply bury them. If you have access to an excavator or backhoe which would be the ideal pieces of equipment to use then simply dig a hole and role the rocks right in. If you don’t have the access to the machines then if you live in NH then you can simply rent one for a couple of hundred dollars. If you find yourself in MA where a hoisting license is required then you can hire a landscape or excavation company to come bury those rocks for you and in most cases this will be less than $1,000 and you’re getting a licensed professional to do all of the work for you.

If you have any other questions on this tip please feel free to call or email!

Check out our social media below for current projects


It’s that time of year already!

Fall is here and with it, cooler temperatures. That makes it the best time to work on establishing a greener, thicker, and overall healthier lawn for next year. Two of the best ways to do this without breaking the bank is a simple Aeration and Over-Seeding combination.

The best window to perform these jobs in this part of the country is during September and October. Aeration opens up the lawn the pulling plugs if dirt out to allow the compaction from lawn use to loosen the soil, allow air in, and encourage the solid to accept more nutrients which helps to promote root growth to achieve deeper, stronger grass roots.

With the added Over-Seeding this helps to fill in bare spots to decrease the likely of of weed germination. By over-seeding during the fall it allows the grass seed more time t grow and become strong before the harsh heat that the summer brings.

This is a great project to do on your own, but if you don’t feel like going through the trouble of renting or purchasing an aerator, we’ve got you covered! Give us a call so we can help to improve your lawn one step at a time.


So you want to roll up your sleeves and spend the day doing some good hard honest labor do ya? Well that’s great! Today I am going to share with you EXACTLY what to do so that when everything starts turning pretty colors, your home will be the focal point of the street. Here are my 7 tips to make your property look like you have a landscaper, without actually hiring one!

  • Pick up all of the little and big sticks in your yard that have fallen over the winter
  • Cut down any perennial grasses or hostas that you may have forgotten in the fall
  • Rake all of the leaves out of your flower beds and lawns and if you want to save some time, invest in a leaf blower to speed things up
  • Now this step will take some muscle, you need to dethatch your lawn either by hand with a rake which means jump on that phone and call all friends and family you can get to make it not so difficult, or, rent a machine from a local rental center
  • Now you get to cleanup that thatch and add it to your compost pile or dispose of it at a local yard waste dump
  • Yup, now it’s time to get back in those flower beds and pull up any weeds that may have sprouted or been left from last year
  • Now the icing on the cake, take a stick edger, we use the half-moon shape ones, and make a nice deep edge along ALL of your flower beds to really make that landscape look crisp

When it comes to enhancing your curb appeal, keeping everything tidy is the simplest yet most effective way. Ensuring that hoses are neatly stored, toys are properly kept, and the lawn is well-maintained contributes to a polished appearance that will impress passersby. In this blog, we will explore several key practices to achieve a well-maintained and visually appealing outdoor space.


Probably the easiest way to improve your curb appeal is to make sure everything is tidy. Any loose hoses can be put on a reel or hung on a hook neatly. Make sure to keep any toys picked up and kept in a designated spot to make sure passersby won’t see them; otherwise, your home and lawn maintenance will be viewed as messy.


Keep your mulch beds fresh every season with a simple layer of fresh mulch. A lot of people think that they can mulch every few years and doing so just hurts your home's appearance. Applying new mulch annually in the spring brings numerous benefits. It keeps the weeds down, keeps the roots of plants cool in the hot summer, and makes everything pop to look fresh and new.


How much does landscaping cost is the most frequent question that I am asked by people. The cost of landscaping is completely dependent on a variety of factors. Having your lawn mowed on a weekly basis may be $50 or $60 per week and on the other side of the cost scale a new outdoor living space with a patio, sitting walls, and an outdoor kitchen will be 10’s of thousands of dollars. You must also take into account the company you choose because you may get a low price that you love and all of a sudden the company stops showing up or doing and quality of work or customer service because they realize they can’t afford to provide service for the original price.

The best advice I can give is to have more money set aside for a project or service than you may think it will cost, that way you have a “safety buffer” and you won’t have to give up the service of professionals over a price you didn’t anticipate. Also try to think in terms of “how much will this project make me?” instead of “how much will it cost?” because landscaping is an investment on your property and will drastically increase the appraisal value of your home, the same as an updated bathroom or a new kitchen would. Always do research on the company you choose, read reviews, check out their website, and most importantly, always communicate expectations to avoid any hiccups with not just the landscaper but any hired contractor.


Hiring a landscaper can be a daunting task in today’s world. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by all of the names you see on trucks, trailers and online. There are a few ways however, to be able to sort through all of the companies to find the correct match for you.

The first thing we always tell people is to look at the way your potential landscape provider dresses and what condition his equipment are in because chances are if they don’t take care of their own equipment and image there is a good chance they won’t take care of your property with care either.

You will also want to check out there website and their reviews (if they even have one) to see if its something that looks professional and is user friendly which makes it easy to see what they offer, photos of work from previous jobs and most importantly, client testimonials to make sure people are saying positive things about

the work they have done.

However the best thing you can do is to ask someone you know! Asking someone you know allows you to have the knowledge of exactly what kind of work you will get when you hire a particular landscaper because obviously friends and family won’t tell you to hire their landscaper unless they are good. We hope this helps you when you need that new outdoor living space or you need someone to maintain your property.



Hopefully you have been going to the gym all summer to prepare for the winter because if you plan on shoveling instead of hiring a plowing service you’re going to need that strength and stamina. As we all know, winter in New England is no joke. Shoveling snow is an extremely intense activity that quite frankly can cause you more harm than its worth. There are numerous studies out there that find that people who shovel snow all winter are at a much higher risk of not only sustaining injuries, but also risk becoming ill, getting frostbite and in more serious cases people have even had heart attacks due to the strenuous activity. Please don’t risk the chance if anything happening to you, no amount of money is worth self-harm.

We come equipped with heavy duty trucks and plows to push all of that snow right out of the way for you and your family to be able to easily access your homes entry points. This will not only allow you to have ease of mind when coming and going from home, but also allow you to not stress about waking up for work 2 hours early to shovel, or having to shovel a foot of snow in the dark after a long day of work. Our #1 goal is to help you and to make your life easier because we know how crazy and busy life is today and we want to take as much stress out of your life as possible. So please give us a call or email today and let us deal with all of the winter snow for you, and please, if you know others we can help, send forward them this email to relieve them of the difficult chore of snow shoveling.
