4 Popular Landscapes & Their Benefits

Beautify Your Lawn Space With These 4 Landscaping Ideas

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Landscapes can really weave the aura of your house and make it all cheerful just by that bright platter of colors involved. There are so many types that have come and gone, but there seems no end to it. Here are four most popularly loved landscapes alongside their benefits that you can take inspiration from.

Vegetable garden in raised bed

Usable Space

Heavy, grand, and ornamental furniture pieces are a thing of the past. Today people prioritize comfort over looks, and that is exactly how they want their landscapes to be, too. People would prefer a fruitful garden that can produce herbs and fresh vegetables rather than having a huge garden with uncomfortable beautiful seating space and some not very essential fountains.

A xeriscaped yard


Nobody wants extortionate garden bills, especially when they just get to spend 30 minutes in their gardens, given their erratic schedules. Super-busy schedules don’t allow people to have personal time, let alone taking care of plants and watering them on a daily basis. The lack of personal time and wake-up calls to save resources have made people switch to low-maintenance landscapes.

Apple tree with ripe fruit


Climate change has made people realize the worth of resources, and now they don’t want to waste any time watering and maintaining their attractive flower plants. Instead, they opt for plants that can reap fresh fruits and vegetables too. Greenery is helpful, but having greenery that can serve additional purposes is even better!

Wooden bench and stone landscaping

Breathable Options

The last one is the most sought-after — people want a landscape that can give them a sense of home and not a fancy club. They want a landscape that is open and breathable and fits the space well. From furniture needs to plant choices, everything changes catering to the client’s needs.

Give your landscape a whole new touch with the premium services offered by Russell Lawn and Landscaping. Select one of the categories mentioned above to follow a pattern for your lawn design.

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